Monday, November 25, 2019

Aboriginal Australian Rights - Employment Essays - Free Essays

Aboriginal Australian Rights - Employment Essays - Free Essays Aboriginal Australian Rights - Employment "I have walked into at least 5 interviews where as soon as the interviewer saw that I was aboriginal, a kind of shutter comes across their eyes." Imagine you are that person receiving the peculiar eyesights, not a pleasant feeling, is it? This short but simple sentence from an Aboriginal writer, presents you the cruel caustic issue of Aboriginals Australians' employment. Employment is an indispensable part like eating and sleeping in people's life, especially for adults. However, somewhere in this flourishing country now, almost one fifth of the aboriginal peoples is facing a problem to find a job that can support for their living CITATION Jen15 \l 2052 (Korff, 2015). Do you know what is causing their hardness of employing? Do you know how people are treated at workplace? Do you know what we, as exceptional 21st century students, can give a hand to our mates' obstacles? The future lies in our hand, let's give a hand and put an end to Aboriginals Australians struggle with employment! Just like a skyscraper needs a central pillar to support the whole building, if Aboriginal's employment is the skyscraper, then job training would be the sturdiest pillar that holding up the whole issue tightly. Can you think of any jobs that you can be competent to do in the future, that you can do it without any learning or training? Street cleaner, dish washer, waiters, the first reaction you might say. Any jobs that only need some basic life skills. These are important jobs in the society, but can you really support your life with those jobs? May be not for all the expenses in your life from foods to house rents. It's surprised to see that around 63% of aboriginal peoples think inadequate training and process for certain qualification are an obstacle for employment CITATION Jen15 \l 2052 (Korff, 2015). You might also say, it is not a serious matter to have no training before employed, because people can get trained after they get the job by the employers. But the truth is even employed aboriginals found difficulties to understand the rules at workplaces. Put yourselves in a situation of job interviewing, the people right next to you is talking about his/her amazing trainee experiences, w hereas you have nothing to say about that part of your resume. On the other hand, which one sounds attractive to you if you are the employer? Spare a minute to think if you want to be the one later one in the next few years, because what you want, the people in the same situation with you will also want. And when you are stepping into the society, remember that when someone is looking on choosing different traineeships, there are people don't even have a choice. As a citizen that living in the opened and free society, we should be sorrowful for the people that are suffering from the judgements that don't have any grounds. There was a sarcastic statement made by South Australia's The Advertiser newspaper saying Aboriginals are "more intelligent than supposed" CITATION Jen16 \l 2052 (Korff, Stereotypes prejudice of Aboriginal Australia', 2016). When people are making all the ignorant and irrespective views about laziness of Aboriginals, sit-down money, they just have no idea or comprehension of how Aboriginals lives really are CITATION And12 \l 2052 (Bolt, 2012). These stereotype statements are like paper cuts you get accidentally, they seem to be really light and negligible, but when they actually come to yourselves, they are just pain and misery. We, as 21st century students, we are carrying the expectation to build an equitable and open-minded society. We are holding the future in our hand. It is glad to see that around 81% of our cohort had already realised this issue. In this beautiful talented and liberal school that we are studying in every day, we have the belief that everyone has the right to be included, respected and to feel like they belonged. Then, as a member of this school, can we bring the belief outside of our school and spread out through the entire society? Definitely, the power of all of us will make this happen! Receive primary cultural informed

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